02-09 04:10 PM
While we all know loony loo tends to primarily go after illegals, we also are well aware of his anti-immigration stance and anti-H1B tirade.
Southern Poverty Law Center, a respected civil rights group from the MLK era, operates an "Immigration Watch".
This is what they said about him:
Broken Record
Lou Dobbs' daily 'Broken Borders' CNN segment has focused on immigration for years. But there's one issue Dobbs just won't take on.
Lou Dobbs is a genial sort, a pleasant-faced CNN anchorman who regularly presents himself as standing up for American working men and women against those who would injure them. Hosting "Lou Dobbs Tonight" for a prime-time hour every weekday, he is also well known and powerful. So when Dobbs focuses on an issue, millions of Americans learn just what it is that Dobbs thinks they should know.
For more than two years now, Dobbs has served up a populist approach to immigration on nightly segments of his newscast entitled "Broken Borders." He has relentlessly covered the issue, although hardly from a traditional news perspective -- Dobbs favors clamping down on illegal immigration, and his "reporting" never fails to make that clear. He has covered the same issues, and the same anti-immigration leaders, time after time after time. In recent months, Dobbs has run countless upbeat reports on the "citizen border patrols" that have sprung up around the country since last April's Minuteman Project, a paramilitary effort to seal the Arizona border.
But there's one thing Lou Dobbs won't do. No matter what others report about the movement, Dobbs has failed to present mounting and persistent evidence of anti-Hispanic racism in anti-immigration groups and citizen border patrols.
It's not that Dobbs hasn't allowed a pro-immigration activist or two to complain about efforts like the Minuteman Project ("vigilantes," according to President Bush), or even that he has made racist statements on his show. What the anchorman has done is repeatedly decline to present the evidence that links these groups to racism, calling the very idea "mind-boggling." On his July 29 show, he called the ACLU and the Southern Poverty Law Center, which he said he liked in other ways, "despicable" and "reprehensible" for saying otherwise.
Consider some of what Dobbs has failed to report, despite the fact that in almost every case these developments were reported widely elsewhere:
GLENN SPENCER, head of the anti-immigration American Patrol, has been interviewed at least twice on the show, on Jan. 7 and June 4, 2004. Spencer's Web site is jammed with anti-Mexican vitriol and he pushes the idea that the Mexican government is involved in a secret plot to take over the Southwest -- facts never mentioned on Dobbs' show. Spencer's group is regarded as a hate group by both the Southern Poverty Law Center and the Anti-Defamation League. Spencer has spoken at least twice to the white supremacist Council of Conservative Citizens, which has described blacks as "a retrograde species of humanity," and once to American Renaissance, a group that contends that blacks are genetically inferior to whites. Dobbs has never reported those ties, or mentioned Spencer's more wild-eyed contentions, such as his prediction that "thousands will die" in a supposedly forthcoming Mexican invasion. His CNN colleague Wolf Blitzer, on the hand, featured Spencer on his own show but reported Mexico's official response and SPLC's hate group designation.
In late 2004, it was revealed that the new head of a national advisory board to Protect Arizona Now, an anti-immigration organization, was a long-time white supremacist who was also an editorial adviser to the racist Council of Conservative Citizens. Although VIRGINIA ABERNETHY's controversial selection was reported prominently in virtually every Arizona paper -- and despite the fact that Dobbs heavily covered the anti-immigration referendum that Protect Arizona Now was advocating -- Dobbs never mentioned the affair at all.
A man named JOE MCCUTCHEN was quoted last April as part of a feature on the Minuteman Project, described by Dobbs as "a terrific group of concerned, caring Americans." No mention was made of the fact that McCutchen, who heads up an anti-immigration group called Protect Arkansas Now, had written a whole series of anti-Semitic letters to the editor and given a speech to the Council of Conservative Citizens -- facts revealed the prior January by SPLC, causing Arkansas' Republican governor to denounce McCutchen's group.
This August, BILL PARMLEY, a Minuteman leader in Goliad County, Texas, quit the group because of what he described as widespread racism. Similarly, in September, newspapers reported that another Texas Minuteman, Janet Ahrens, had resigned because members "wanted to shoot the taco meat." Dobbs never mentioned either of these people, who were featured prominently elsewhere.
On Oct. 4, Dobbs had PAUL STREITZ, a co-founder of Connecticut Citizens for Immigration Control, as a guest on his show. Streitz denounced Mayor John DeStefano Jr. for "turning New Haven into a banana republic" by favoring identification cards for undocumented workers. Two days later, newspapers revealed that two of the group's other founders had just quit, saying Streitz had led it in a racially charged direction. Dobbs has never reported this.
BARBARA COE, leader of the California Coalition for Immigration Reform, was quoted on a show last March bitterly attacking Home Depot for "betray[ing] Americans," apparently because Hispanic day laborers often gather in front of the store looking for work. Not mentioned were her group, listed by the SPLC as a hate group, or the fact that she routinely refers to Mexicans as "savages." Coe recently described herself as a member of the Council of Conservative Citizens, a "white pride" group formed from the remnants of the segregationist White Citizens Councils of the 1950s and 1960s that were once described by Thurgood Marshal as "the uptown Klan." She also told The Denver Post in November that she had given a speech to the group.
CHRIS SIMCOX, co-founder of the Minuteman Project and a top national anti-immigration leader, was arrested in 2003 by federal park rangers for carrying a weapon illegally while tracking border-crossers on federal parkland. While Simcox has been repeatedly interviewed on his show, Dobbs has failed to mention that arrest or bigoted anti-Hispanic comments Simcox made to the Intelligence Report several years ago.
Although Dobbs has steered clear of the racist comments that some of his guests have made elsewhere, he has warned of "illegal aliens who not only threaten our economy and security, but also our health and well-being," according to Fairness & Accuracy in Reporting (FAIR), a media monitor. In 2003, FAIR added, a reporter on Dobbs' show grossly mischaracterized a National Academy of Sciences report. The report found that immigrants provided a net gain of $1 billion to $10 billion to the U.S. gross domestic product, but the CNN reporter said the report had found the economic impact of immigrants worked out to a net loss of up to $10 billion.
Dobbs is revered in anti-immigration quarters and on the far right generally. He is the winner of the 2004 Eugene Katz Award for Excellence in the Coverage of Immigration, given by the Center for Immigration Studies (CIS). CIS claims to be a "nonpartisan research institute," but in fact is a thinly disguised anti-immigration organization. The 2005 Katz Award went to the immigration beat reporter for The Washington Times, a hard-right newspaper based in Washington, D.C.
In general, Lou Dobbs has declined to report salient negative facts about anti-immigration leaders he approves of, or simply avoided mentioning certain of their views -- notably the conspiracy theories propounded by people like Spencer.
Still, Dobbs is hardly immune to the lure of the weird. Last September, he offered up Idaho meteorologist Scott Stevens as a guest on his show. Stevens had just left an Idaho television news program immediately after telling viewers of a bizarre theory that Hurricane Katrina was caused by unknown evildoers. "Terrorists were engaging in a type of eco-terrorism where they could alter the climate, set off earthquakes and volcanoes," he told Dobbs. Stevens said they were using "scalar waves," invented by the Japanese, to attack America with Category 5 storms.
"Intriguing assertion," Dobbs concluded at the end of the interview. Much the same might be said, and in the same spirit, about the news "reporting" that Dobbs presents as he doggedly explores and supports the anti-immigration movement.
Southern Poverty Law Center, a respected civil rights group from the MLK era, operates an "Immigration Watch".
This is what they said about him:
Broken Record
Lou Dobbs' daily 'Broken Borders' CNN segment has focused on immigration for years. But there's one issue Dobbs just won't take on.
Lou Dobbs is a genial sort, a pleasant-faced CNN anchorman who regularly presents himself as standing up for American working men and women against those who would injure them. Hosting "Lou Dobbs Tonight" for a prime-time hour every weekday, he is also well known and powerful. So when Dobbs focuses on an issue, millions of Americans learn just what it is that Dobbs thinks they should know.
For more than two years now, Dobbs has served up a populist approach to immigration on nightly segments of his newscast entitled "Broken Borders." He has relentlessly covered the issue, although hardly from a traditional news perspective -- Dobbs favors clamping down on illegal immigration, and his "reporting" never fails to make that clear. He has covered the same issues, and the same anti-immigration leaders, time after time after time. In recent months, Dobbs has run countless upbeat reports on the "citizen border patrols" that have sprung up around the country since last April's Minuteman Project, a paramilitary effort to seal the Arizona border.
But there's one thing Lou Dobbs won't do. No matter what others report about the movement, Dobbs has failed to present mounting and persistent evidence of anti-Hispanic racism in anti-immigration groups and citizen border patrols.
It's not that Dobbs hasn't allowed a pro-immigration activist or two to complain about efforts like the Minuteman Project ("vigilantes," according to President Bush), or even that he has made racist statements on his show. What the anchorman has done is repeatedly decline to present the evidence that links these groups to racism, calling the very idea "mind-boggling." On his July 29 show, he called the ACLU and the Southern Poverty Law Center, which he said he liked in other ways, "despicable" and "reprehensible" for saying otherwise.
Consider some of what Dobbs has failed to report, despite the fact that in almost every case these developments were reported widely elsewhere:
GLENN SPENCER, head of the anti-immigration American Patrol, has been interviewed at least twice on the show, on Jan. 7 and June 4, 2004. Spencer's Web site is jammed with anti-Mexican vitriol and he pushes the idea that the Mexican government is involved in a secret plot to take over the Southwest -- facts never mentioned on Dobbs' show. Spencer's group is regarded as a hate group by both the Southern Poverty Law Center and the Anti-Defamation League. Spencer has spoken at least twice to the white supremacist Council of Conservative Citizens, which has described blacks as "a retrograde species of humanity," and once to American Renaissance, a group that contends that blacks are genetically inferior to whites. Dobbs has never reported those ties, or mentioned Spencer's more wild-eyed contentions, such as his prediction that "thousands will die" in a supposedly forthcoming Mexican invasion. His CNN colleague Wolf Blitzer, on the hand, featured Spencer on his own show but reported Mexico's official response and SPLC's hate group designation.
In late 2004, it was revealed that the new head of a national advisory board to Protect Arizona Now, an anti-immigration organization, was a long-time white supremacist who was also an editorial adviser to the racist Council of Conservative Citizens. Although VIRGINIA ABERNETHY's controversial selection was reported prominently in virtually every Arizona paper -- and despite the fact that Dobbs heavily covered the anti-immigration referendum that Protect Arizona Now was advocating -- Dobbs never mentioned the affair at all.
A man named JOE MCCUTCHEN was quoted last April as part of a feature on the Minuteman Project, described by Dobbs as "a terrific group of concerned, caring Americans." No mention was made of the fact that McCutchen, who heads up an anti-immigration group called Protect Arkansas Now, had written a whole series of anti-Semitic letters to the editor and given a speech to the Council of Conservative Citizens -- facts revealed the prior January by SPLC, causing Arkansas' Republican governor to denounce McCutchen's group.
This August, BILL PARMLEY, a Minuteman leader in Goliad County, Texas, quit the group because of what he described as widespread racism. Similarly, in September, newspapers reported that another Texas Minuteman, Janet Ahrens, had resigned because members "wanted to shoot the taco meat." Dobbs never mentioned either of these people, who were featured prominently elsewhere.
On Oct. 4, Dobbs had PAUL STREITZ, a co-founder of Connecticut Citizens for Immigration Control, as a guest on his show. Streitz denounced Mayor John DeStefano Jr. for "turning New Haven into a banana republic" by favoring identification cards for undocumented workers. Two days later, newspapers revealed that two of the group's other founders had just quit, saying Streitz had led it in a racially charged direction. Dobbs has never reported this.
BARBARA COE, leader of the California Coalition for Immigration Reform, was quoted on a show last March bitterly attacking Home Depot for "betray[ing] Americans," apparently because Hispanic day laborers often gather in front of the store looking for work. Not mentioned were her group, listed by the SPLC as a hate group, or the fact that she routinely refers to Mexicans as "savages." Coe recently described herself as a member of the Council of Conservative Citizens, a "white pride" group formed from the remnants of the segregationist White Citizens Councils of the 1950s and 1960s that were once described by Thurgood Marshal as "the uptown Klan." She also told The Denver Post in November that she had given a speech to the group.
CHRIS SIMCOX, co-founder of the Minuteman Project and a top national anti-immigration leader, was arrested in 2003 by federal park rangers for carrying a weapon illegally while tracking border-crossers on federal parkland. While Simcox has been repeatedly interviewed on his show, Dobbs has failed to mention that arrest or bigoted anti-Hispanic comments Simcox made to the Intelligence Report several years ago.
Although Dobbs has steered clear of the racist comments that some of his guests have made elsewhere, he has warned of "illegal aliens who not only threaten our economy and security, but also our health and well-being," according to Fairness & Accuracy in Reporting (FAIR), a media monitor. In 2003, FAIR added, a reporter on Dobbs' show grossly mischaracterized a National Academy of Sciences report. The report found that immigrants provided a net gain of $1 billion to $10 billion to the U.S. gross domestic product, but the CNN reporter said the report had found the economic impact of immigrants worked out to a net loss of up to $10 billion.
Dobbs is revered in anti-immigration quarters and on the far right generally. He is the winner of the 2004 Eugene Katz Award for Excellence in the Coverage of Immigration, given by the Center for Immigration Studies (CIS). CIS claims to be a "nonpartisan research institute," but in fact is a thinly disguised anti-immigration organization. The 2005 Katz Award went to the immigration beat reporter for The Washington Times, a hard-right newspaper based in Washington, D.C.
In general, Lou Dobbs has declined to report salient negative facts about anti-immigration leaders he approves of, or simply avoided mentioning certain of their views -- notably the conspiracy theories propounded by people like Spencer.
Still, Dobbs is hardly immune to the lure of the weird. Last September, he offered up Idaho meteorologist Scott Stevens as a guest on his show. Stevens had just left an Idaho television news program immediately after telling viewers of a bizarre theory that Hurricane Katrina was caused by unknown evildoers. "Terrorists were engaging in a type of eco-terrorism where they could alter the climate, set off earthquakes and volcanoes," he told Dobbs. Stevens said they were using "scalar waves," invented by the Japanese, to attack America with Category 5 storms.
"Intriguing assertion," Dobbs concluded at the end of the interview. Much the same might be said, and in the same spirit, about the news "reporting" that Dobbs presents as he doggedly explores and supports the anti-immigration movement.
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06-02 05:26 PM
did you send web faxes and contribute to IV, if not please do
03-04 05:24 PM
But for a small number -- but still significant, and certainly to the individual, significant -- if their name crops up and it's an older case, and it's in a file somewhere, someone has got to hunt it down. And to be perfectly honest, that is not a top priority job for an agent, is to go through an old paper record sitting in a warehouse.
This is called INTENTIONAL DERILICTION of duty!!! USCIS/FBI spent time on other things while harassing immigrants with inordinate delay in providing benefits!!!
This is called INTENTIONAL DERILICTION of duty!!! USCIS/FBI spent time on other things while harassing immigrants with inordinate delay in providing benefits!!!
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10-20 02:53 AM
about painter.
1. version 5 sux.
2. ive never used 7. but i think its pretty good.
i use 6.
1. version 5 sux.
2. ive never used 7. but i think its pretty good.
i use 6.

04-19 07:18 PM
My H1B was filed with job title "RF Engineer" which comes under "Electrical Engineering" in 2004. My first 3-year term on H1 expires this year end and employer needs to file for renewal for next 3-year term.
My LC as well as 140 were applied and are approved for the position of "Electronics Engineer" which is my current position.
Essentially Electronics Engineer position is a superset of RF Engineer/Electrical Engineer positions, job duties are pretty much the same.
So now when I apply for my H1B renewal/extension does employer have to write the current position (Electronics engr) or the position on which H1B was filed first (RF engr)?
Any inputs appeciated...
My LC as well as 140 were applied and are approved for the position of "Electronics Engineer" which is my current position.
Essentially Electronics Engineer position is a superset of RF Engineer/Electrical Engineer positions, job duties are pretty much the same.
So now when I apply for my H1B renewal/extension does employer have to write the current position (Electronics engr) or the position on which H1B was filed first (RF engr)?
Any inputs appeciated...

04-21 11:10 AM
It took 5 weeks to get it renewed because our old passports were issued in India. So they might be sending letter for confirmation to the passport office in India (Where it was originally issued) and once they receive it, they issue the new passports. For old passports issued by the Embassy in USA, it is faster.
Regarding contacting them, keep dialling (202) 939-9888, you might be able to talk with them, in one of the attempt. I was able to talk with them, the same way.
How long did it take for you to renew the passport. My appointment date is on Apr 03 and they received my documents on March 31st. I did not get the passport yet. Do you have a number to call them. I called all the numbers listed on the website and no one answers.
Regarding contacting them, keep dialling (202) 939-9888, you might be able to talk with them, in one of the attempt. I was able to talk with them, the same way.
How long did it take for you to renew the passport. My appointment date is on Apr 03 and they received my documents on March 31st. I did not get the passport yet. Do you have a number to call them. I called all the numbers listed on the website and no one answers.
06-25 10:14 AM
My Company is asking me to sign a new 2 year contract with them to get employment verification letter required for I-485. Is this legal?
It depends on the "Employment Agreement" and the state laws where your employer is based. Many times such agreement mention "damage amount" if the person leave before the expiry of such term.
IT may be good idea to consult a good lawyer.
Not a legal advice.
desi3933 at
It depends on the "Employment Agreement" and the state laws where your employer is based. Many times such agreement mention "damage amount" if the person leave before the expiry of such term.
IT may be good idea to consult a good lawyer.
Not a legal advice.
desi3933 at
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07-16 04:03 PM
Hi tinku,
I got apointment in chennai consulate for August 11 and I already have a PCC from SFO Indian consulate which was issued in July last year. Unfortunatly the PCC is valid only for a year so I have to get a new one also. I emailed the Chennai Consulate and got a reply back saying that I might have to get the PCC from my local police station as well as from the passport office.
Hope this information helps.
I got apointment in chennai consulate for August 11 and I already have a PCC from SFO Indian consulate which was issued in July last year. Unfortunatly the PCC is valid only for a year so I have to get a new one also. I emailed the Chennai Consulate and got a reply back saying that I might have to get the PCC from my local police station as well as from the passport office.
Hope this information helps.
11-21 05:52 PM
What will happen if 140 still penidng agter passed 6months 485 recipt date,can i cahnge the jobs in this situtation also
What will happen if 140 still penidng agter passed 6months 485 recipt date,can i cahnge the jobs in this situtation also
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03-12 11:22 AM
My 140 approval updated after 1 yr....
July 15th, 2004, 11:55 AM
Wow! That is an amazing image!
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12-07 12:34 PM
I have my EAD for a rainy day.
In some cases where transfers from one center to another affected the RD, the concept is gray. if you are a risk taker you can try to swing it, but I do not recommend it. Check the RD on your 485 receipt. If it is 180 days from that date you are fine.
The only problem that can come by moving earlier is your employer may revoke your 140. There is no reason for them to do it, except out of spite (earlier they had the advantage of reusing the labor for someone else). If your relations with your employer will be smooth even after you move on, then that risk is alleviated.
Also remember that your 140 should be approved before you invoke AC21 to avoid potential problems from that area.
Thanks again for your reply KaiserSose
FYI, I sent my app to NSC and got a receipt from them. Then it got transferred to TSC which sent me a notice after 2 months. I do have the correct date on my receipt from NSC though and will wait for 180 days to finish based on this receipt date. I hope that eliminates all the risk, right?
As far as I140 goes, its already approved. :)
I am guessing there are no issues with me moving to AC21, correct?
In some cases where transfers from one center to another affected the RD, the concept is gray. if you are a risk taker you can try to swing it, but I do not recommend it. Check the RD on your 485 receipt. If it is 180 days from that date you are fine.
The only problem that can come by moving earlier is your employer may revoke your 140. There is no reason for them to do it, except out of spite (earlier they had the advantage of reusing the labor for someone else). If your relations with your employer will be smooth even after you move on, then that risk is alleviated.
Also remember that your 140 should be approved before you invoke AC21 to avoid potential problems from that area.
Thanks again for your reply KaiserSose
FYI, I sent my app to NSC and got a receipt from them. Then it got transferred to TSC which sent me a notice after 2 months. I do have the correct date on my receipt from NSC though and will wait for 180 days to finish based on this receipt date. I hope that eliminates all the risk, right?
As far as I140 goes, its already approved. :)
I am guessing there are no issues with me moving to AC21, correct?
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07-13 09:10 AM
OR change your birth country to England :)
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08-10 09:17 PM
i'll believe it when i see it. too much talk no action. it's too good to be true, isn't it? maybe our childrens' children will benefit from it.
I think, similar to DOL backlog elimination centers, they will pull all the pending
cases and put them into a new system. The data entry for such an excercise will take 2 years. Afterwards the real processing will start.
I think, similar to DOL backlog elimination centers, they will pull all the pending
cases and put them into a new system. The data entry for such an excercise will take 2 years. Afterwards the real processing will start.
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09-20 12:24 PM
Can a person who is on H1B visa engage in an internet business (and receive income from it) from home ? I do know a couple of people who used to do that.
Thanks in advance for your answer.
Answer from my Lawyer is No.
I tried to commercialize my website which you see in my signature. Plan was to sell
the consulting services and sell gem stones. I am on H1B and Lawyer said do not do it.
Thanks in advance for your answer.
Answer from my Lawyer is No.
I tried to commercialize my website which you see in my signature. Plan was to sell
the consulting services and sell gem stones. I am on H1B and Lawyer said do not do it.
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05-04 06:57 AM
As I said it was work of a fellow member. But I dont see why you cant use the same letter. If you think this is a good format, please go ahead and use it.
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11-30 12:27 PM
Since your PD is in 2006, It may be a mistake.
This month I have seen many applicatiions with PD - EB2-India Jan-2003 to Jan 2004 are approved.
If you see many other updates like "Card production ordered" "Welcome NEW permanent residents" in the coming days then it may be a real approval
This month I have seen many applicatiions with PD - EB2-India Jan-2003 to Jan 2004 are approved.
If you see many other updates like "Card production ordered" "Welcome NEW permanent residents" in the coming days then it may be a real approval
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June 19th, 2005, 09:58 AM
A bit better but still a little grey. I don't think you can get detail on the chest area for instance and keep the blacks looking black on the rest of the bird.
I do use autofocus, at least with the 1D2 it works fine. The 20D is a bit iffy, it should work but it hunts sometimes.
Here is another version, with FM shadow recovery set to 2 - and I used a mask to limit it only to the darkest areas.
By the way - when I opened the attachment it looked washed out to me too, because it opens in windows rather than in Adobe PSCS2. They use different colourspaces. - try opening the attachment in an adobe colourspace and see if it makes a difference.
Re the autofocus, it may be that the 100-400 doesn't allow AF. There is absolutely none on the setup I'm using - a 350D + the 100-400L + type II TC 1.4
I do use autofocus, at least with the 1D2 it works fine. The 20D is a bit iffy, it should work but it hunts sometimes.
Here is another version, with FM shadow recovery set to 2 - and I used a mask to limit it only to the darkest areas.
By the way - when I opened the attachment it looked washed out to me too, because it opens in windows rather than in Adobe PSCS2. They use different colourspaces. - try opening the attachment in an adobe colourspace and see if it makes a difference.
Re the autofocus, it may be that the 100-400 doesn't allow AF. There is absolutely none on the setup I'm using - a 350D + the 100-400L + type II TC 1.4
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05-24 09:10 AM
I am also on same boat. My employer is doing initial process for filing labour. I am not sure he knows about this merit based points system. Do you want me to tell him to wait because of this new law in process or continue filing for PERM.My employer is american company.
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July 15th, 2004, 04:43 PM
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08-31 12:10 PM
I think we all should VOTE in this poll.
You will waste your time if you vote in Lou Dobbs polls. His pools are rigged. These polls start in the loo as they begin by giving 100,000 votes to his ideological point of view and 0 votes in support of the opposite view. Hence the disclaimer to the pools. I suggest that we simply ignore him and don't participate in his pool. It would be one less human being giving Lou Dobbs no value, making him inconsequential one person at a time.
You will waste your time if you vote in Lou Dobbs polls. His pools are rigged. These polls start in the loo as they begin by giving 100,000 votes to his ideological point of view and 0 votes in support of the opposite view. Hence the disclaimer to the pools. I suggest that we simply ignore him and don't participate in his pool. It would be one less human being giving Lou Dobbs no value, making him inconsequential one person at a time.
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